შეხვედრა პროგრამულ აკრედიტაციასთან დაკავშირებით

Program Accreditation Meeting

On July 23, 2018, the meeting devoted to the issues of programme accreditation was held at Tbilisi State Medical University. Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU; Prof. Khatuna Todadze, Vice-Rector; Prof.Irine Kvachadze, Head of Quality Assurance Department; Prof. Gaiane Simonia Head of the Department of Medical Education, Research and Strategic Development and Prof. Tinatin Chikovani, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine met with the University academic staff, Deans of the Faculties and programme coordinators.

They presented reports on the issues important for the accreditation process. The new standards of accreditation, developed for all three levels of higher education, were introduced to the audience. The audience was also introduced to the project on sectoral benchmarks of medical educational programmes and integrated curriculum for the MD programme.  The meeting was conducted  in an  interactive mode, academic staff expressed readiness to join the process.

In 2019, Tbilisi State Medical University will start reaccreditation  one-step, bachelor's, master's and doctoral programmes in accordance with  the  new standards.