ფიზიკური რეაბილიტაციის პროექტის ფარგლებში გადამზადებული სპეციალისტების დაჯილდოება თსსუ-ში

Physical rehabilitation training project graduates awarded by TSMU and USAID

A graduation ceremony of USAID and Emory University’s joint project was held at Tbilisi State Medical

University. At the event certificates were distributed to the professionals who participated in training under

USAID’s Strengthening Physical Rehabilitation Project in Georgia. Those attending the award ceremony

included: Senior Specialist of Social Affairs and Programs Division of theMinistry of Labour,Health and

Social Affairs of Georgia, Tbilisi State Medical University Rector, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria,

USAID/Georgia Mission Director Peter Wiebler, Director of USAID’s Democracy and Social Development

Laura Berger, USAID "Physical Rehabilitation" Project Manager Medea Kakachia, Chief of Party of "Physical

Rehabilitation" Archil Undilashvili, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of TSMU,

Professor Lela Maskhulia, “Training of Trainers ” participants, grant project partners and other honorable

guests from Georgia.

The “Training of Trainers” course aimed to prepare physical and occupational therapist trainers to train

others in their profession. Through a competition, American specialists selected 28 professionals from

different regions of Georgia to participate in the course. Physical therapist Gail Friedhof-Borman and

Occupational Therapist Tracy Taylor-Schwartz, invited by Emory University, led the course. The physical

rehabilitation training was held in two phases in May and July 2018. After the completion of the first

English-language training, Emory University representatives selected three trainees who under the

American specialists’ supervision later trained the participants of the second training course.

In September 2017, USAID/Georgia awarded the $4.5 million, four-year project Strengthening Physical

Rehabilitation in Georgia activity to Emory University and its partners TSMU, the Coalition for Independent

Living, and Partners for International Development. This activity reinforces the ability of communities to

provide affordable, high-quality physical rehabilitation services for Persons with Disabilities to ensure they

have access to opportunities that support their full participation in society.

Peter Wiebler (USAID/Georgia Mission Director): ‘USAID sponsors the project "Physical Rehabilitation

Project in Georgia", but our cooperation does not stop here. We are a long time partner of Tbilisi State

Medical University, and Emory University is a great partner for TSMU. ‘Training the Trainers’ course is very

important as the program prepares qualified specialists for the field of rehabilitation’.

Zurab Vadachkoria (Rector of TSMU): ‘We at TSMU are proud being part of development of the Physical

Rehabilitation in Georgia. This project gives us unique opportunity to address challenges in the field from a

multidisciplinary perspective, including education, services and policy at large. Tbilisi State Medical

University, as largest academic institution in Health Sciences has played significant role, providing medical

professionals for Georgian Healthcare system and delivering highest quality clinical services to its patients.

Today we celebrate Successful completion of ‘Train the Trainer’ Program. 28 individuals completed 8-week

program that equipped participants with crucial skills of an educator. They will be the future trainers who

are responsible to pass the knowledge and experience to their colleagues and future professionals. On behalf

of our university and country, I would like to express our sincere appreciation of USAID’s continuous support

and aid from the people of the United States of America. I would like to thank Emory University and its

wonderful personnel for being our partners over last two decades. Our partnership has resulted in a number

of successful programs and projects in Georgia’.

Over the past 25 years, the American People, through USAID, have invested more than $1.5 billion in

Georgia. USAID projects are designed to support Georgia’s transition to a free and prosperous democracy

and include initiatives to accelerate economic growth, develop democratic institutions, and improve health

and education. USAID provides economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 100 countries.

For more information, please visit: www.facebook.com/USAIDGeorgia and www.usaid.gov/georg